February 7, 2012

Stained vase craft and Kinder® contest to win $500

The Family day long weekend and the March break is just around the corner. I am planning on spending some quality time during the day with the children making crafts and food. I am also looking forward to relax, stay close to home and visit local attractions like the Ontario Science Centre :)
I am happy to be a #kindermom as Kinder® recognizes the importance of family time and making moments that children will remember. The delicious Kinder milk chocolates are a perfect treat as it has fabulous collectible surprises and are peanut free. This February, Kinder is giving a chance for you to win $500 to spend on your staycation during the coming March break. 

Here is an activity that would be fun to make during the break with recycled glass. This activity is a nice way for children to get excited about Spring and gardening. It is also a chance to teach children the importance of recycling.
You will need...
A clean glass bottle or jar
Craft tissue papers in different colours
White glue

Let the children have fun gluing ripped tissue paper around the outside of the glass bottles and let it dry. Let them use their fingers to spread the glue, the tissue paper can overlap for a different effects.
Once it is dry enjoy the decorated vase with flowers as a table decoration or anywhere around the home. This vase will become a moment that will be remembered, and you will see the children admiring their vase :)
Disclosure: I'm part of the Kinder Mom program and receive special perks as part of my affiliation. All rights and opinion reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2012. Please Ask First


  1. That's a really cute craft idea! Sounds like you have some fun plans for the break. Enjoy! #KinderMom

  2. such a cute craft idea the kids would love it

  3. This is adorable , what a great gift for grand parents , thanks for the idea !!

  4. Another great fun idea. The kids will love doing this.
    Florence Cochrane

  5. Very cute idea :) I could see kids loving choosing the colors


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