March 15, 2015

Mini-Wheats #TryitHot Prize Pack Giveaway

Despite our daydreams of warmer weather to come, for some of us, the chilly outdoors tells us that winter is not quite over yet! While the snow might fly for a few more weeks, Kellogg's has a great way to warm us up in the meantime. We can try Kellogg’s cereal hot by serving it with warm milk, and enjoy this whole-grain, high fibre cereal; it is a wholesome way to beat the winter chill.

I enjoy my cereal with warm milk. You can use any type of milk regular, chocolate, soy, or almond, and add to your favourite Kellogg’s cereal flavour, and top it with either fresh or dried fruit, nuts, or anything you can dream up!

Since Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats cereal flavours has gelatine we didn't test it in our home, however we are hosting a giveaway for those in Canada who would like to win a #TryitHot with Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats prize pack value of $50. 
You can enter the giveaway before April 10th through the rafflecopter below. Please follow my social media networks and leave comments to be eligible to win.
Update: The winner is Taylor

Disclosure: Winner's mailing information will be shared only for the purpose of mailing the prize, and will never be used in any other manner. All rights reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2011 - 2015. Please Ask First


  1. Midwestern Ontario. I like any cereal with fruit

  2. I live in Ontario and like my cereal with cold milk.

  3. I am in Ontario.

    I prefer my cereal with cold milk. Unless of course it's Kelloggs Rice Krispies, then I would enjoy it mixed with melted marshmallows and cut in squares. YUM.

  4. I live in Nova Scotia , and my Favorite cereal is Mini Wheats brown sugar Flavor yummy , i use 2% milk and enjoy :) Rafflecopter name Treen Goodwin :)

  5. I'm from Canada and I like my cereal warm sometimes and I also like eating it right out of the box as a snack

  6. i live in BC and my favourite cereal is Mini Wheats. I love the variety of flavours they have!

  7. I live in Ontario and love Rice Krispies.

  8. I am in Ontario - I usually like my cereal cold, with milk; however, warmed Mini Wheats are good too!

  9. I live in Ottawa. My favourite cereal is Special K and I eat it with milk. While The Kids are busy so that I can enjoy the whole bowl :)

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  10. I'm in Ontario.
    I try to eat healthy cereals

  11. live in Nova Scotia and I like Special K CEREAL

  12. I live in BC and my favourite cereal is Special K Red Berries!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  13. I live in Ontario - I dig Fruity Pebbles

  14. I live in NL and Raison Brand is my favorite cereal
    Florence C

  15. I am in Ontario! Depends on my mood - i will have either cold milk or warm milk- for gluten free rice krispies. I would be so happy if mini wheats were made gluten free~ However, my brothers love mini wheats brown sugar!

  16. I am in Ontario and I like my oatmeal with berries.

  17. I live in Ontario and I love oatmeal for breakfast!

  18. Ontario here and I enjoy my cereal with cold milk poured over the top.

  19. Sarnia, Ont and I like my cereal with milk

  20. I'm in Alberta. I like Cinnamon Toast Crunch the best but I enjoy trying all kinds of cereals.

  21. I am from NS and I like all kinds of cold cereal with milk

  22. I live in Alberta and I love Mini Wheats whether with milk or on their own

  23. I live in ontario and I love my mini wheats with milk.

  24. I reside in Alberta.
    I like both hot and cold bed.

  25. I am from Ontario.
    I like my cereal with milk and sliced banana on top
    (Debbie W)

  26. I am in BC and I enjoy both hot and cold cereals for a snack

  27. I am in Calgary, and I like my cereal cold with ice cold milk. I do like oatmeal, and i like that hot, but regular cereal I like cold.

  28. I'm in the Niagara Region in Ontario and my favourite cereal in Golden Grahams (but I'm trying to be good and not eat it anymore!)

  29. I live in NL. I enjoy my cereal with a little bit of milk,or some cereals(flaky ones) I enjoy with hot water!! Most people think that is weird,but its the way I`ve always ate it!

  30. I live in Manitoba and my favorite cereal is corn pops

  31. I live in NW Ontario. My favourite cereal is a tie-- Special K and Mini Wheats

  32. i live in manitoba, I eat my cereal cold and I usually have special k cereal

  33. I live in Canada and I love to eat my cereal right out of the box.

  34. I live in Saskatchewan and I like my cereal with milk. My favourite cereal is Fruit loops.

  35. I live in Alberta, Canada and I like my cereal with just milk no sugar

  36. I'm in Alberta. My favourite cereal is Special K and I eat it with cold milk. I also like plain old cereal but only Kellogg's :-)

  37. I like my cereal cold. I live in canada

  38. I live in NB. Mini Wheats is my favourite cereal and I like it especially with chocolate milk:).

  39. I live in Manitoba and I love my cereal with cold milk and sliced bananas on top!

  40. I'm in Ontario. I love my cereal cold and I love special K with a little added fruit!

  41. I usually eat my cereal cold, and I like it as an evening snack with some fresh strawberries on it.

  42. I live in Ontario. I like my cereal slightly warm. My favorite cereal is Special K Red Berries.

  43. I live in Southern Ontario. I tend too favour granola or oatmeal.

  44. I prefer my cereal without milk but with fresh fruit. I live in South western Ontario.
    Linda Fast

  45. I live in Ontario. I like a variety of cereals, and enjoy it with milk. I am not sure I have only one favourite.

  46. I live in NL. Mini Wheats are my favourite cereal. I like the Original with warm milk on it.

  47. I live in Alberta and I enjoy my cereal hot or cold and with fresh fruit and a glass of orange juice.

  48. My favorite cereal is Life and I live in Newfoundland Canada!

  49. I live in BC and I like my mini wheats with soy milk.

  50. I live in Ontario, mini wheats is actually my fav cereal and I enjoy it with milk and a piece of toast and peanut butter followed by a glass of milk then coffee :)

  51. I live in Ontario, and I enjoy cereal hot and cold. I normally have Min-Wheats cold, but don't mind it hot, either.

  52. I live in Ontario and love rice krispies, because they talk to me

  53. I live in NL and I love Rice Krispies

  54. I live in ON, and I love all-bran, and I eat it dry.

  55. I live in Ontario and I eat my cereal early in the morning (between 5:30-6am) cold with milk.

  56. I live in BC, Canada and I love putting strawberries on my cereal (any cereal)!

  57. I live in Ontario.My favorite cereal is Kellogg's All-Bran cereal with raisins and some nice cold milk.

  58. I live in SK and my favourite cereal is mini wheats. I have a bowl almost every night for a snack before bed.

  59. I live in PEI my favorite cereal is frosted mini wheats, i hope i win!

  60. I live in Ontario and I love to have my cereal with 2% milk

  61. I live in Cloverdale BC and I enjoy my cereal with 1% milk

  62. I live in BC. My favourite cereal is Mini Wheats actually.

  63. I live in BC and i like Special K and i like my cereal cold.

  64. I live in Manitoba. I've always loved Special K.

  65. I live in Ontario and my favorite cereal is raisin bran and corn pops.

  66. I'm in ON....over the last few months both my son and myself have become a little hooked on original mini wheats with warm milk!

  67. I live in Ontario. I love just about any kind of cereal and usually eat it with cold milk.

  68. I am from Ontario and Corn Pops is my fave cereal

  69. I live in Nova Scotia. My favourite cereal is original flavour Mini Wheats. I haven't tried them hot yet, though.


Thank you for commenting :)