April 1, 2016

Get in the Spring Cleaning Mood with Attitude and Giveaway

attitude home cleaning products
I love our routine seasonal cleaning because this is the time I toss out things we don't need by donating or up-cycling depending on the condition, and refreshing our living space. Attitude, a Canadian leader in carcinogen-free personal care and household products introduces a bright new scent to their household collection. I love that their products are created with a sustainable approach, which is good for the environment and for our health.
The four new products with the pink grapefruit scent will liven up our household chores because of their natural and energizing fragrance. The laundry detergent efficiently cleans our clothing, and leaves behind a fresh scent that is not overwhelming. We can use the fabric softener to give our laundry a soft and fresh finishing touch without leaving any irritating enzymes on our clothes.
attitude home cleaning products
We can also bring the aroma of pink grapefruit to our kitchen by using the new dishwashing liquid and foaming hand soap. 
attitude home cleaning products
The hypoallergenic, citrus-zest scented Kitchen cleaner made from plant and mineral based formula helps us clean dirt and grease without harming our food preparation surfaces. 
attitude home cleaning products
We have placed Attitude's Natural Air Purifier in our living room, as it gives the room a revitalizing, fresh scent. This air purifier made with activated carbon, and from plant and mineral extracts will last up to six weeks depending on the size of the room. It is effective for areas up to 400sq. ft. I like that we can adjust to our preferred scent intensity and desired level of absorption. I wish that the container can be kept upright or hung up instead of having only the option of keeping it flat on a surface. If we have little ones, then this must be kept out of their reach, as it can be opened easily. The air purifier comes in five different scents pink grapefruit, coriander and olive, passion fruit, lavender and eucalyptus, and green apple and basil.  

Attitude's revitalizing products to keep our home spotless while protecting our family's and the environment's well-being can be purchased at many retailers including pharmacies, supermarkets, baby stores, health food stores or online at www.attitudeliving.com 

If you are in Canada and would like to win an Attitude prize pack value of $50 before April 20th enter the giveaway through the rafflecopter below. Please follow my social media networks and leave comments to be eligible to win. Update: The winner is Holly

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2010 - 2016. Please Ask First Disclosure: For reviews/ sponsored posts I may have received special perks as part of my affiliation, all opinions and thoughts expressed our my own


  1. I live in Nova Scotia and have never heard of this line. I usually clean year round no special time.

  2. I live in Ontario and I haven't used their products before.

  3. I live in Ontario. I have not tried these products yet, but I have seen them in the stores. I don't have any special seasonal routines, but like most, spring tends to be the time I do those things we never do at other times, like wash the curtains, clean under appliances, etc.

  4. I live in Newfoundland. Nope never tried it before. I use disinfectant wipes to clean all the time!

  5. I live in Newfoundland. I have not tried the products and I do some spring cleaning when it s nice and sunny and I can open the windows to let the fresh air in.
    Florence C

  6. I am in Ontario, Canada. I have not used Attitude cleaning products before and yes, I do seasonal cleaning ...decluttering closets, cleaning windows etc.

  7. I live on Vancouver Island.Usually I Spring clean by rotating mattresses,washing walls and cupboards.I am moving soonish so I have started to pack and I am all upside down right now.

  8. I live in SW Ontario and I have not tried these products. I wash everything down, walls, furniture, etc in my spring cleaning.

  9. I am from manitoba and no i have not used these products before, would love the chance to

  10. I live in BC. I have not tried these products yet. I do a complete Spring cleaning inside and out .

  11. I live in Ontario. I have not heard of or used Attitude products.

  12. I live in Newfoundland. I have not tried Attitude products before. In Spring we do a deep cleaning of every area in the home .

  13. I live in Alberta! I have never use Attitude product yet. What a great product line, I will have to try it. Yes I do spring cleaning, time to clean Curtains, closet and cupboard and much more.

  14. I live in Ontario. I have never tried Attitude before but love the packaging ! This would come in handy for our spring cleaning ! Starting with the windows .

  15. I am from Newfoundland, Canada and I have never tried these products before

  16. I live in Ontario and I have not used Attitude Products yet, but would like to, they sound like great products. I do a deep spring cleaning every year.

  17. I am in Ontario and have never tried Attidue products. I like to go clean right thro the house in the spring!

  18. I'm in NS. I've never tried Attitude, but it sounds very similar to Method. Would love to try, thanks so much for the giveaway!

  19. I live in Alberta! I have not tried Attitude products before. I am known to be a bit of a clean freak. I do spring cleaning every spring, windows, paint what needs to be painted, clean up cupboards and closets.

  20. I am in Ontario. I have never used these products before and yes I do seasonal cleaning.

  21. I live in Ontario and haven't tried their product before but would like too. I spring clean the whole house.

  22. I live in Alberta and I've never used Attitude products yet, this would be a great chance to try them should I be lucky enough to win. Yes, as soon as the weather warms up I do spring cleaning inside and out. :-)

  23. I live in Ontario.
    I have never tried Attitude products but would love to.
    For seasonal cleaning, I try to stay on top of closet cleaning and get rid of items that haven't been worn or no longer fit.

  24. I am in Ontario and no I have not tried these products before but they sound like something I would like. I do both Spring & Fall Cleanings where I do everything top to bottom and clean out. (Judy Cowan)

  25. I am in BC and I haven't seen Attitude products before. Each spring we clean the windows, sills and baseboards.

  26. I am from Ontario and I never heard of this product before but I would y take room for room

  27. I live in Ontario. I have only tried the Attitude line for babies (body wash/lotion). I would love to try the cleaning line. I do a deep clean every month. My son has allergies, and it seems to make a difference.
    - Brandee H

  28. I reside in Ontario and never heard of this brand before until recently. I do special cleaning about a few times a month. I love a deep clean!

  29. I live in manitoba and have not tried attitude products. No special cleaning just the regular stuff

  30. I live in Ottawa and I have never you used Attitude products before. I have bad dust allergies so we try to do a thorough cleaning in the spring.

  31. AB; new to me; can't wait to try these products; deep cleaning every 2 months. thanks

  32. I live in Ontario and I haven't used these products before.

  33. In BC. Never heard of it and cleaning is unfort all year.

    billiondollarprincesss @hotmail.com

  34. I live in Nova Scotia. I don't think I've used this brand before. I usually intend to do Spring Cleaning, but don't often get much done.

  35. I am.in Canada's capital. I haven't tried their cleaning products before. Their diapers were on sale lays night so I. Picked up a pack to try with my son

  36. We live in Ontario. We use Attitude detangler. No special seasonal cleaning routine.

  37. I live in Ontario. I have never used these products before or heard of the company but these could totally come in handy as I have not started my spring cleaning yet!

  38. I live in Saskatchewan and I have never tried Attitude products before. I have no special seasonal cleaning.

  39. I am in Alberta and I have not used Attitude products before. Cleaning is never ending, I have 5 kids so it feels like I'm constantly cleaning and getting no where.

  40. I live in Ontario, and I've never tried it. Cleaning never seems to end. Spring cleaning usually entails the closets as that's when I tackle them thoroughly.

  41. I live in Prince Edward Island. I've never heard of this brand before. I am usually cleaning all the time due to being a SAHM of 4 ;)

  42. I live in Alberta and never have used or heard of these products before, currently I am using green works products to help with my spring cleaning

  43. I live in Manitoba. Have not tried their products. I wash the windows seasonally.


  44. I live in Nova Scotia. I've never used this brand before.

  45. I hope, by tossing out, you mean recycling to agencies like value village or the sally anne, or even posting in fb free groups, on kijiji etc!! anyways, I'm in SK, never seen this, I've been doing spring cleaning already with walls (sabina edwards)

    1. Hi Sabina, That's what I meant :) I added that on my wording. We don't throw in the garbage because in Toronto we have to pay to throw out garbage. I usually give it to family, friends, up-cycle, donate or sell if the items are in good condition:)

  46. I an from Ontario. I have never heard of these products before. We do spring cleaning from top to bottom.

  47. I live in Southern Ontario. I have not used these products before. Every year I do a big spring clean!

  48. I live in NL. I have never used Attitude products before. I do spring cleaning each year,,a room a day

  49. I live in NW Ontario. I've never used Attitude products before. Spring cleaning includes doing windows, organizing closets and cupboards, and scrubbing behind and underneath everything.

  50. I'm in Alberta, and have never tried Attitude before. I clean the whole house top to bottom for spring!

  51. Laurie Bolduc-CadieuxApril 3, 2016 at 12:23 AM

    I live in Ontario. I have never heard of or used Attitude Products before. I usually do a spring and pre christmas cleaning and purging.

  52. I live in Newfoundland. I've never used Attitude products before. I do a seasonal clean of the house in both the spring and fall.

  53. I'm located in ON. Attitude products are new to me. I'm regularly cleaning around the house.

  54. I live in Quebec and use Attitude spray cleaner for kitchen (disinfectant) and bathroom spray. I find that they clean well, and I have been using Attitude spray cleaners for years in my home.

  55. I live in BC. I have never used Attitude products before. I usually do seasonal clean up in the spring.

  56. I live in Thornhill ON, never used attitude products before but they look great and we do cleaning in spring

  57. I live in Ontario and I have not tried these products.

  58. I live in BC and have never tried Attitude products before. I do a seasonal clean in spring, fall, and just after Christmas break. Whole house cleaning, including blinds, appliances inside & out etc. Closets, bookshelves and toy storage also all get cleaned out and we purge - we either sell, donate, or trash the items we no longer need.

  59. I live in Ontario and have not tried these products yet.

  60. I live in Southern Ontario. I have not tried Attitude products yet. I do my cleaning throughout the year.

  61. I love in Ontario and have never tried these products before. I do spring cleaning - like to get rid of stuff we no longer use.

  62. I live in Ontario and I have never tried Attitude products before. I do cleaning throughout the year, no particular seasonal cleaning

  63. I live in Ontario. I have never tried Attitude products. I always do windows in the spring.

  64. I live in BC and haven't even heard of Attitude products before today! I always do a big Spring Clean.

  65. I live in Ontario. I have not tried Attitude products yet. Spring is window and screen cleaning time here.

  66. I live in Manitoba ,and no i event tried or seen any where i shop

  67. we live ontario and we havent tried any of these products yet

  68. I am in Manitoba and have not tried these products! My big spring cleaning is the blinds - ugggh!

  69. I live in ON, I have not tried any of the Attitude products before. Every season I clean the house from top to bottom room by room!

  70. I live in Ontario. I have not tried Attitude products previously. Nothing too special for seasonal cleaning, just the regular, ongoing stuff.

  71. I live in New Brunswick. I have not tried Attitude products. When it comes to spring cleaning it is more going through my seasonal clothing, deciding on which items to keep and which to donate to charity. Cleaning wise, it is regular and on going.

  72. I live in Ontario and I have never heard of Attitude Products. I always do spring cleaning which includes getting rid of old clothes, toys etc

  73. I live in Ontario and I have't heard of Attitude products, but would love to try them.
    I love cleaning and look forward to doing a deep cleaning in the spring.These products
    sound lovely.I especially like that we can use them without any fear in our cooking areas.
    The citrus and grapefruit scents sound nice too.

  74. I live in Ontario and have just recently heard about Attitude products. when it comes to spring cleaning I just try to stay ahead of the dust

  75. I live in Alberta. I don't think I have used Attitude products before. I like to do some early spring cleaning and I start upstairs and work my way to the basement. Usually just one room at a time.

  76. AB; these products are new to me; no special seasonal cleaning - just all the time. thanks

  77. I live in Ontario, and had never heard of Attitude cleaning products before. In the spring I clean my windows and screens.

  78. I live in Ontario. I've never tried these products before but they would be great for all the spring cleaning we need to do.


Thank you for commenting :)