September 29, 2016

Making a Change This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, I am making a change and taking part in the #FastTurkey Challenge. Good Shepherd Ministries, a charity that promotes human dignity, is asking people to really give thanks this Thanksgiving by participating in the #FastTurkey Challenge.

For this fundraiser, they are asking people to forgo a bit of food this Thanksgiving by donating the money to This allows Good Shepherd to continue providing Toronto's homeless with meals, clean clothes, and a safe bed for the night. 

Agree to make a change by skipping lunch on Friday October 7th and donate your lunch money to the homeless who can't afford to eat. Challenge your friends to do the same. All funds raised will help feed the homeless. At Thanksgiving, Good Shepherd works tirelessly to provide a full Thanksgiving meal to those who can't afford to eat. 

It's the smallest things that make the difference. So join Good Shepherd this Thanksgiving to help the homeless by taking the challenge.

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  1. What a great challenge, I hope they do well with it. (Judy Cowan)

  2. Wonderful challenge

  3. This is a great idea! I remember this initiative last year.

  4. Hey this is a great challenge, I'm totally in!

  5. Very good challenge indeed! Its something so small but could really help another person

  6. I thin this is an excellent challenge. This should be done everywhere.


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