November 4, 2016

365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks

365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks
Books make wonderful gifts for our loved ones and friends anytime of the year, especially for the holidays. The Holiday Gift Book Selection at DK Canada has a wide selection to suite everyone's taste. My children are LEGO fans and the LEGO book, 365 Things to do with LEGO Bricks, unleashes their imagination and gives them lots of creative ideas on how to use a variety of LEGO bricks to create unique pieces. 
365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks
We think every LEGO fans must own this book! This book is full of ideas on how different types of LEGO pieces can be used to create very unique models such as creatures, organizers and storage containers, building a variety of games, and many more. This book written by Simon Hugo has fabulous pictures of the models designed by many. The beginning of the book categorizes the projects into different groups, so builders can go directly to the type of projects that interest them such as Festive Fun that gives ideas on how to make a 3D greeting card using LEGO or Building a hatching egg. In the content section, the projects are numbered 1 to 365 and also has the page number for our convenience. We found this useful when deciding which activity to pick. 
365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks
The book also has a digital activity selector that builders can press and a random number will appear on it, allowing the builder to randomly select an activity to try. Builders can use this device embedded in the book to race building against the clock or use the stopwatch to time their activity. The book explains the different LEGO pieces and teaches children what the different pieces of LEGO are called, how the pieces can be held together to keep the model steady, and how to build mini or big pieces, and how to incorporate LEGO Technic pieces to add strength, movement, and details, and using them in different angles. 
365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks
The book does not explain how to build, rather it has bright colourful photographs of the models with tips and techniques, and explains the different pieces used, which allows the builder to get creative and really use their imagination and helps test their skills. 
365 Things To Do With LEGO Bricks
We found that this book is helpful for our children to think outside the box, and to create unique structures using the variety of LEGO pieces they own. Both my children enjoy using this book to get ideas, then make their own models. We really enjoy this book, 365 Things to do with LEGO Bricks, as it encourages creativity, and helps children to enhance their physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and literacy skills.   

This review has been highlighted on DK Canada.
It Can't Be True! 2 is a book full of interesting facts that children and adults will find fascinating. Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on earth that covers one third of our planet's surface and can fit all the continents inside its basin? The zone around the edge of the Pacific is known as the Ring of Fire, as it contains more than three-quarters of the world's volcanoes. This is also the place where nine out of ten earthquakes happen. 

There are many other facts about... how much sea salt is in the sea, about mountain rages, trees, rain fall, weight of clouds, how long animals can hold their breath in water, films that cost the most money to make, fastest ball in sports, and many more! This book is awesome! 

If you are in Canada and would like to win the DK book It Can't Be True! 2 enter the giveaway through the rafflecopter below before December 16. Please leave comments and follow my social media networks to be eligible to win. 
Update: The winner is Sunshine

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Createwithmom © 2010 - 2016. Please Ask First Disclosure: For reviews/ sponsored posts I may have received special perks as part of my affiliation, all opinions and thoughts expressed our my own


  1. I live in Ottawa,Ontario and I would give it to my grandson. He is crazy for Lego

  2. I live in Ontario. This book would be perfect for any of my sons. They are LEGO crazy!

  3. I live in Manitoba and would love to win this book because it look interesting

  4. I live in Nova Scotia and want to win this for my daughter because I think she would enjoy it :)

  5. I live in Ontario. I would love to win this for my little cousins.

  6. I live in Ontario. My kids love Lego so this would be a great book for them to create more things

  7. I live in Nova Scotia. I would love to win this for my oldest daughter because she loves books like this.

  8. I live in Ontario. My kids play with LEGO and have for years. My son is really into taking things apart and he would be amazed with this book

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  9. I live in Alberta and I would love this for my son. He loves lego, and prefers free play sets so a book would be great to give him ideas.

  10. I live in ON, and I would love to win this for my niece!

  11. I live in ON and would LOVE to win this awesome book for my grandson, he's a huge LEGO fan.

  12. I live in Alberta and this would be a great book for my grandchildren.

  13. I am in BC and I cannot seem to have enough books for my granddaughter!

  14. I live in Ontario, my son loves lego

  15. I live in BC and DD loves Lego right now, and sometimes wants to look at pictures and copy them. the fact book looks fun too b/c she loves learning unusual facts.

  16. I live in BC. I know many children that would use and enjoy these books.

  17. I live in rural Ontario and have a grandson that is fascinated by these type of books

  18. Ontario would love to win for my kids

  19. I live in BC and I think my son would like this book!

  20. I am in Ontario and would love to win this for one of my Grandsons as they all love Lego!

  21. I live in Ontario and this would be a great book for the grandkids, these books are awesome to read and learn about all the neat stuff!!

  22. I live in Nova Scotia. I'd like to get this book for kids (and to read myself).

  23. I live in Newfoundland and i would love to win this book for my granddaughter.

  24. I live in Toronto! My son loves these kind of books! Perfect gift for him!

  25. i am from Ontario and id love to win this for my son

  26. I live in Nova Scotia and I would like to win this for my youngest son.

  27. We live in Ontario & my kids love Lego

  28. i am in BC. Would love to win to share with my step grandkids! would be interesting!

  29. I live in Manitoba, Canada and I would love to win this because it will give hubby ideas to use our many, many legos while playing with our children. :D

  30. I live in BC and would love to win because I think my oldest child would find the It Can’t Be True book very interesting!

  31. I live in Ontario, and I want to win because my boys love Lego

  32. I live in NB and would like to win this for my little guy who is crazy for LEGO.

  33. My granddaughter is just getting to enjoy lego and I am from NS.

  34. from ontario and would like to win so we could share it with our foster child

  35. I'm from Ontario and I would love to win this to give it to my youngest daughter.

  36. I'm in Toronto, I'd love to win for my nephew! He wants to know everything!

  37. i live in New brunswick. my son would LOVE this bok.

  38. I live in BC. I would love to win this book for my son because he is a huge lego fan and builder.

  39. I live in Alberta. I want to win this book for my grandson. He is a huge fan of LEGO and this book would add more creativity than just building LEGO into what is on the box. This opens up a whole new field of creativity.

  40. I live in BC. I'd love to win this for my daughter.

  41. I live in Ontario! Would be great to win this fantastic book for the family!

  42. I live in BC, my kids love these kinds of books full of facts!


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