All of us want to live in homes that look, feel, and, yes smell great. So when you’re thinking about doing up the decor or focusing on those various little DIY projects that need to be done to make your home just perfect, don’t forget to think about making the place smell good too.
There are so many easy ways to make your home smell good that you’re sure to find a solution that works for you.
Put essential oils in the air filter
This is a really simple home hack that works better than almost anything else. Simply place a few drops of your favourite essential oil blend onto the HVAC and it will send the smell out through the air, where it will reach pretty much every inch of your home. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Clean the fridge with baking soda and lemon
The fridge can often be the origin of bad smells in the home, but one way to change that is by thoroughly cleaning it with cotton balls soaked in lemon juice, Once you’ve done that, place an open box of baking soda on one of the shelves and it will soak up any future odours. If you still notice weird smells coming from the fridge, it could be that you need a replacement seal to keep things fresh. Once you’re done, your fridge will be a lemony-fresh delight.
Simmer stove potpourri
Remember when everyone had slightly odd-smelling potpourri bowls out on every table or countertop? It wasn’t great, but stove potpourri is a whole new ball game. It makes the home smell amazing whenever you have a pot on. How do you make it? Simply simmer a pot of water with orange slices and cinnamon, or if you prefer, maybe vanilla extract or rosemary and lemon, or feel free to come up with your own recipe to better suit your home!
Put a lemon peel down the garbage disposal
Another common cause of stink in the home is the garbage disposal. Revitalize yours by collecting a few lemon peels and running them through the disposal. Before you know it, the disposal, and in fact your whole kitchen, will smell amazing. It’s so simple!
Baking soda the carpet
Yes, really. Sprinkling your stinky carpets with baking soda is a great way to refresh them. Simply sprinkle a light covering of baking soda and leave for as long as you can before vacuuming. If you want, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the soda first, so not only will it refresh, but it’ll also add a pleasant scent.
Bake some vanilla
Need your home to smell amazing like now? Simply place a few vanilla pods onto a baking sheet and cook for 50-60 minutes at 300 degrees. Your whole home will smell divine for hours.
As you can see, making your home smell amazing is much easier than you might think. Share your tips for making the home smell great on the comments.
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