Not everyone is cut out for Shaker bathrooms and Country kitchens. Sometimes, you just want to do your own thing and decorate your home to your unique tastes and designs. This can be challenging. So, here are some tips to get you started.
Find Hand-Crafted Items Online
The online world is bursting with talented people who create wonderfully unique items. These types of unique pieces will wow your guests and make you feel like you have something special. Rather than buying generic stuff from local home and decor stores, check online stores like Millwards Consignment decor and furnishings for one-of-a-kind items. Where else would you find a little swinging shark sculpture to hang up?
Decorate to Your Unique Tastes with Requests
Online stores with unique items from talented artists are a great way to find what you are looking for. However, it is hard to find something special you feel attached. This is when artists on sites like Etsy can help by taking request to make unique decor items. They might charge you a little more. You can almost guarantee they will create exactly what you have been looking for all this time.
Take the Time to Explore Different Things
Unique decor comes from taking your time. Try not to buy things on a whim unless you know for sure that you love them. But don't buy it just because it's okay, cheap, or maybe something you have seen on social media. If you can, give yourself the opportunity to think about it again. If you still want it after the initial thrill of finding it, it's likely that you will really love it in your home.
Incorporate Your Own Personality
Often, the things you like most about a room have less to do with the obvious decor and more to do with the way the light comes in, how high the ceilings are or the original fixtures. So it's important to leave your mark on the space to make up for the things you can't change too much. This will help you get to know the room as a whole better and help makes changes that would work to your liking. We used this Photowall canvas to make the bedroom look unique and fit our personality.
Use Established Themes for Inspiration
Designs that already exist are a great way to get ideas. You can always change them to fit your own style and not copy them. Look for ideas in magazines and the internet. Then, when you feel like you have what you want, go through them and pick out the ones you like the most. Maybe it was the way a room was lit. Or something on Pinterest that made your heart skip a beat. No matter what it was, write it down, save it, or draw it so you can look back on it later.
Think Hard when You Decorate to Your Unique Tastes
Decorating can take a lot of time, wear you out, and cost a lot of money. So it's important to do it right the first time. If you're feeling a bit tired, give your brain some time to rest and refuel. You probably won't miss out on that much by not keeping up with trends for a few months. And you might figure out what it is about the design that makes you happy. It's always more inspiring to look at something with fresh eyes than to be worn out by too much inspiration.
Combine Styles if You Share a Home
You probably don't live alone in your house. And other people, like roommates or a close partner, will also use the space. So you need to find a way to work together, maybe by combining styles, you both like. As you combine styles, talk about what you can change and where you can't. This is a chance to show how flexible you are as you and your partner talk about what the items should be and start to put together a style that fits both of you.
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