This holiday season we can give gifts that will change lives of many families overseas to break from the cycle of poverty in a tangible way. We can help these communities in developing countries and support the relief work of World Vision. There are over 60 gifts we can choose from the World Vision site or call this 1-800-844-7993 number. These sincere gifts will cheer up our family and friends, while helping those in developing countries to buy essential things needed for their livelihood i.e. food, shelter, healthcare and education. With every purchase we make, we will get a card saying the difference the gift makes to a grateful family in the developing country.
We can buy "2 hens and a rooster" as a gift for our family members or friends who enjoy cooking. This gift will benefit a family trying to come out of poverty with about 150 eggs a year.
We can also choose to give "a goat" to a family member who loves animals. This purchase will help a family in a developing country to use the goat for milk and manure, which will support their livelihood.
If you are looking to give a fashionable piece of accessory there are three options to choose from. A Haitian hand-beaded necklace will change the lives of women and children around the world by supporting programs and getting them out of poverty by providing training, loans and skills.
Women and girls who have escaped their village because of exploitation and abuse make this beautiful beaded Turquoise wood bracelet with Thai beads. The funds from these bracelets help the girls and women to live in safe houses and provide them protection, education and mentoring programs by older girls.
The hand woven embroidered silk scarf is made by women in Thailand. The funds from our purchase helps support women and their families by providing them with micro loans, training etc.
We can choose from a variety of gifts such as Mobile phones that support health workers to get a smartphone with access to critical medical information such as tools to check vital signs of illness, pregnancy and essential nutritional counselling 24 hours so they can support their community.
Last mile mobile solution (LMMS) is a card that families can scan to get aid in an easy dignified manner when they need. Protect a child from child labour, community savings kits, help supply a classroom, help drill a well for water, clothes, fruit trees, cow, mosquito nets, etc... are other gifts that we can choose from, which will benefit many people in the developing countries.
Lets stand together, open our hearts and help our brothers and sisters around the world!
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